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Writer's pictureVictoria Vibes Cotton

The French Cock

Aries/Libra is Alpha /Omega ... MARS rules Aries and Venus rules Libra Both Masculine Peter Pan Positive/Positive... Venus is feminine in Taurus The Bulls eye is the FAKE philosophers stone Aldebaran is used to Steal the female energy the pentagram inverts her curves and her power is used against humanity.. Taurus is a COW not a Free Martin Bi BULL.. the idea is to Destroy all NEGATIVE /FEMALE Blood lines.. only 15 percent of humans still have copper blood ... IRON/MARS Is POSITIVE blood line.. MARS is the God of WARS and religions.. Pete and Paul want all FERTILITY DEAD .. By making the Year cycle 365 days NOT 360 we are 1,700yrs OFF the correct Constellation.. we have been kept on a 23,5 Tilt Trap .. 33 degrees OFF where we should be.. ARIES is RA the Sun God The COCK is the Rising SUN/SON/LUCIFER symbol .. RA The Beast that comes up from the ABYSS /PISCES the age we leave .. The COCK AB RA CAD AB RA is 11 letters That is 4 parts of the brain/Elements/Continents/Directions conquered and the 7 Seas/Chakras 4+7 is 11 Twin Peaks we should be entering Fomalhaut/Giza/Aquarius/Lamb in Aquarius/Capricorn ruled by Saturn The heros journey is from lead/Saturn back to complete and become Gold.. all has been planned to TRAP us.. in Fear as to PURGE us .. to filter who makes it through and to harvest all the souls that didn't get it.. the BEAST will rise from FRANCE .. LIBER 777 is 21 /12 closed in the circEL "Abraxas is the god whom it is difficult to know. His power is the very greatest, because man does not perceive it. Man sees the summum bonuum (supreme good) of the sun, and also the infinum malum (endless evil) of the devil, but Abraxas he does not see, for he is indefinable life itself, which is the mother of good and evil alike.

[Abraxas] is truly the terrible one... the sun and also the eternally gaping abyss of emptiness...magnificent even as the lion at the very moment when he strikes his prey down. His beauty is like the beauty of a spring morn... He is the monster of the underworld... He is the bright light of day and the deepest night of madness... He is the mightiest manifest being, and in him creation becomes frightened of itself..." (Carl Jung, quoted in Stuart Holroyd's The Elements of Gnosticism)

He/It was also known as Also Abracax, Abrasax, Abanathabla and Ablathanabla.

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