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Reflections on Diana's Death and Rising Notre Dame, Diana at Notre Dame 1988 Armistice Day

Reflections on Diana's Death and Rising Notre Dame, Diana at Notre Dame 1988 Armistice Day

THis was made for PatreOn Last week.. Its a private chat and reflections on DIana Death and Notre Dame connections.. Post is Now PUBLIC ... 20 % OFF all Readings until January 15th PrOMO Code AMAZING GRACE This is totally me speaking out loud evening CHAT its spontaneous and relaxed literally a private chat between us... Did you Know That in 1988 on 11.11 Armistice Day aka ST MARTIN DE TOURS ST Martinvast Day 11/11 11 November Saint Martin's Day or Martinmas (obsolete: Martlemas), and historically called Old Halloween or All Hallows Eve, is the feast day of Saint Martin of Tours and is celebrated in the liturgical year on 11 November. When JUPITER was in TAURUS and Moon in SCorpiO DIana was in Paris at NOTRE DAME!!! As Jupiter is again now 36yrs agO full 360 cycle... 1988-11-11 Diana and Charles at a Ceremony at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris to commemorate Armistice Day There will be a Part ll REagrding JFK JUniOr aka J/10/1 F/6 K/11/2 216 Summer Solstice and CaroLyn CairO LINE CarO CHI RHO Carolyn Basette Was just having.a quick Peak at CB/32 paths of WisdOM Carolyn CairOLine/Nile Bassette and JFK JFK is Summer Soltisce J/10 aka 1.. F/6 .. K/11 aka 2 ... so 216 21/6 JFK junior Jelly Fish Dia Frame Diaphragm Kut .. Crash 1999 .. ill go in deep over the weekend.. havent looked at their charts yet, just the plane crash date.. What strikes me is the couple they make, as the True Twin Peaks Capricorn Cardinal Feminine Earth and Father Air Masculine fixed Aquarius.. Chronos and REA as the Mother Earth Capricorn Cynical Ambitious Cool spohisticated Innanna Nanny Goat Capricorn Queen of Heaven and Earth REA Archytype and he as Aqaurius Uranus Father Air Visionary unconventional Genius trend setter Intellectual Pilot AIR Heir Uranus both officially ruled by SATURN side by side The true N.A.S.A North America Capricorn and South America Aquarius the true energy killed so the Gangsters the Jupiter and Mercury BatMan Robin Trump and Dartagnan could steal the show and in England the Will I AM SON from Charles and Diana.. LOADS of Pics from Asca Asca ive added here too ... for me to explain in a videO..


VideO Made two days agO .. Please SEE PatreON For Full RUn DOwn Pics and explanation HERE READINGS HERE MARS is CURRENTLY ON the BEE HIVE CLUSTER in CANCER... Bee Hive B/13 B/2 Beth Apis ApiCulture Bull God Breast of Venus Jupiter in Taurus ruled by Venus Mars on Bee Hive in Moons Home Breast Cancer The MOON EYE Ophiuchus: the B/13 The Beehive Cluster (also known as Praesepe (Latin for "manger", "cot" or "crib"), M44, NGC 2632, or Cr 189), is an open cluster in the constellation Cancer. One of the nearest open clusters to Earth, it contains a larger population of stars than other nearby bright open clusters holding around 1,000 stars. Under dark skies, the Beehive Cluster looks like a small nebulous object to the naked eye, and has been known since ancient times. Classical astronomer Ptolemy described it as a "nebulous mass in the breast of Cancer". It was among the first objects that Galileo studied with his telescope. Lily Rose DEPP PLays in this film Nosferatu (2024 film) Was filmed when Nicola Bulley bulls etye Breast of Venus the eye 🎯🧿đŸȘŹ went missing during Valentine 2023 as Mars was on Bulls eye then Premiere Dec 2nd for New Moon in scorpiO as Mars was in Cancer home of the Moon as Jupiter was on Bulls eye.24 December last quarter Moon on bluestar spica in VirgO as Mercury ruler in ScorpiO Moon conjunt south node. MARS CONJUNCT BEE HIVE IN CANCER RULED BY MOON ... New Black Moon in Sagittarius 30December as Jupiter ruler in Taurus where Moon is exalted Diana gets Dirty.. Release date 25th Dec after Pope opens the Portals 24th obviously... From N/L Nelly Haine 🐳 BAAL N to L/N Ellen Helen Hell/N Filming took place primarily at Barrandov Studios in Prague between February and May 2023.Nosferatu had its world premiere in Berlin, Germany, on December 2, 2024. The film is scheduled to be released on December 25, 2024 Beehive. The Beehive Cluster (also known as Praesepe (Latin for "manger", "cot" or "crib"), M44, NGC 2632, or Cr 189), is an open cluster in the constellation Cancer. One of the nearest open clusters to Earth, it contains a larger population of stars than other nearby bright open clusters holding around 1,000 stars. Under dark skies, the Beehive Cluster looks like a small nebulous object to the naked eye, and has been known since ancient times. Classical astronomer Ptolemy described it as a "nebulous mass in the breast of Cancer". It was among the first objects that Galileo studied with his telescope. Doe, a deer, a female deer. Ray, a drop of golden sun. Me, a name I call myself. Far, a long, long way to run. Sew, a needle pulling thread, La, a note to follow sew, Tea, a drink with jam and bread! That will bring us back to do oh-oh-oh!
Mars RetrO In Cancer 1977/2024 216 SILVER GATE FINANCIAL CRASH

Mars RetrO In Cancer 1977/2024 216 SILVER GATE FINANCIAL CRASH

POst Open here for RUN DOWN on this 20 Min VideO Please Click here to see FULL POST 15 MIN VideO Tracing Back Journey in Time to show MARS retrO in CANCER importance as Mars is Now retrO in CANCER last time Mars was retrO in Cancer was 1977 when Council estate ACT was made HOUSING (HOMELESS PERSONS BILL Passed in 1977 HLM /Council Estate in French is 2/L L/M H/6 216 Summer solstice Mars was RetrO over summer Solstice GAP in 2007/2008 for the FINANCIAL CRASH!! HENCE why Prince WILLY I AM Born on Summer Solstice is Now Playing St MARTIN DE TOURS as Save Homelessness because PLUTO Currntly in Capricorn/GOVERNMENT PUBLIC REALM and MARS retrO in CANCER/HOME PRIVATE REALM!!!! 216 HLM N/HAINE BAAL N WHALES WALES TAIL WILL I AM WHALES PRINCE OF WHALES BAAL HAINE baleine BAL HAINE N/Z HLM Council Estate H/6 L/2 M/1 216 SUMMER SOLSTICE PRINCE WILL I AM BIRTHDAY 216 6x6x6 Chiron was discovered on 1 November 1977 by Charles Kowal from images taken on 18 October at Palomar Observatory. It was given the temporary designation of 1977 UB. It was found near aphelion and at the time of discovery it was the most distant known minor planet. CHI RHO CAirO LINE/NILE CARO/LINE Chiron discovered in 1977 and Chiron enters ARIES as Chiron was in 1977 NEXT YEAR CYCLE complete CHIRON 1977 till Now is about HEALING your inner HOME FLESH BODY 1977 till NOW we had the Healers CHIRON ST MARTIN de TOURS MARS/JUPITER on Either side of SILVER GATE... Mars Jupiter DEcember 1977 Mars retrO Cancer Mars Jupiter Mars RetrO Cancer December 2024 La PINCE/PRINCE PINCE/CLAWS of the CRAB 1969 Film everyone disappears... MISSING Mars in CANCER 69 MARS retrO in Cancer from 6 December till February 24th CANCER PINCE/CLAWS PRINCE/MARS in CANCER le Petit PINCE PRINCE ST MARTIN de TOURS showing SUN in Venus Taurus STAG they kill DEER BambIs Mother and Mars in Cancer aka MOON in ARIES so ANIMA/ANIMUS reversed Inversed.. Should be ANIMA/VENUS/MOON AMIMUS MARS/SUN Watch 'Prince William: We Can End Homelessness" Premiering on Disney+ November 1 By Jim Donnelly Oct 28th, 2024 Disney+ announced that "Prince William: We Can End Homelessness" will premiere Nov 1 on the streaming platform. The two-part documentary gives an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at the first year of Prince William and The Royal Foundation's Homewards program which aims to change perceptions and demonstrate that it's possible to end homelessness. The documentary is executive produced by Mindhouse and Arron Fellows and directed by BAFTA award-winning Director Leo Burley. Before launching on Disney+, "Prince William: We Can End Homelessness," will debut exclusively in the U.K. on ITV1, ITVX and STV. HOUSING (HOMELESS PERSONS BILL Elon Musk calls homelessness a ‘lie’ and ‘propaganda’ — and Trump is listening Trump and his billionaire allies are out of touch with a crisis facing more than 600,000 Americans, advocates tell Alex Woodward Financial Crash 2007/2008 MARS retrO Silver gate between Gemini Taurus The 2007–2008 financial crisis, or the global financial crisis (GFC), was the most severe worldwide economic crisis since the 1929 Wall Street crash that began the Great Depression. Causes of the crisis included predatory lending in the form of subprime mortgages to low-income homebuyers and a resulting housing bubble, excessive risk-taking by global financial institutions,[1] and lack of regulatory oversight, which culminated in a "perfect storm" that triggered the Great Recession, which lasted from late 2007 to mid-2009. The financial crisis began in early 2007, as mortgage-backed securities (MBS) tied to U.S. real estate, as well as a vast web of derivatives linked to those MBS, collapsed in value. Financial institutions worldwide suffered severe damage,[2] reaching a climax with the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers on September 15, 2008, and a subsequent international banking crisis.[3]
Alchemical Rising Notre Dame

Alchemical Rising Notre Dame

The ALCHEMICAL Rising Of Notre Dame FRom PATREON VideO came out 3 days agO From PatreON I have had to make this Unlisted You Tube VideO as for some reason i cant upload with patreON?? I could last 6 Months and now its stopped it may be about hours offered or content or something going on i dont GET?? if anyone can help me?? You can access or Buy the alchemical Journey HERE The alchemists would meet at Notre-Dame. On the forecourt, they could exchange their discoveries and their questions. Notre-Dame is a true alchemical cathedral. It had been perceived as such since the 17th century by the alchemist Esprit Gobineau de Montluisant, then in the 19th century by the alchemist François Cambriel, and by Victor Hugo with the character of Claude Frollo, priest and alchemist in his novel Notre-Dame de Paris 
 The 20th century is not to be outdone, with The Mystery of the Cathedrals, the famous book by the mysterious Fulcanelli, which shows that the medallions of the central porch of the cathedral accurately represent the entire Alchemical Work.
 Viollet-le-Duc himself had illustrated this tradition: when he restored the cathedral, he placed the statue of an alchemist between the monsters and dragons represented by the gargoyles... Since the Middle Ages, twenty-four medallions have recounted the various stages of the alchemical work. Patrick Burensteinas gives us a sort of summary of our journey: he comments on these figures which illustrate the various stages of the creation of the famous Philosopher's Stone. On the western window, the same medallions are represented, but in color, which allows us to complete and verify this alchemical reading, which is superimposed on a more religious reading, that of vices and virtues... This iconographic program is not unique to Notre-Dame de Paris. It is found, almost identically, on the cathedrals of Amiens, Chartres or Lyon
 Which leads us to think that it is an important message that the sculptors wanted to engrave and perpetuate, in the eyes of all
 for those who know how to read, -which we now know how to do-. On the central pillar of the porch, the trumeau, a woman is represented: she holds two books, one open and the other closed, as if to signify to us this double reading of the medallions which surround her. A VideO i found speaking about this alchemical rising too On October 29 at 12:30 p.m. , Jean-Claude Pascal is Nicolas Stoquer's guest, live on the GĂ©opolitique Profonde YouTube channel! Jean-Claude Pascal is a French engineer specializing in thermodynamics , but also recognized for his deep interest in alchemy and esoteric traditions. Drawing on his scientific background, he turned to the study of ancient alchemical practices, seeking to establish links between modern scientific principles and the mystical teachings of alchemy. His unique approach combines scientific rigor and spiritual exploration, emphasizing inner transformation and the mysteries of matter, while drawing on his knowledge of thermodynamics to interpret certain aspects of Hermetic traditions. A mystical legacy confirmed by the flames Notre-Dame de Paris embodies much more than a simple religious building; it is the sanctuary of a thousand-year-old wisdom, carefully hidden from the profane eye. The devastating fire of April 15, 2019 was not a coincidence or a simple historical tragedy. On the contrary, this event reveals the mystical power of Notre-Dame, a power intrinsically linked to fire, a central element of alchemy. The masters of this ancient art know it: fire purifies, transforms, and reveals the secrets of the soul.
Full  Beaver Moon Saturn DIRECT Moon in Aries Conjunct Uranus Sun in Libra, Venus enters Sagittarius

Full Beaver Moon Saturn DIRECT Moon in Aries Conjunct Uranus Sun in Libra, Venus enters Sagittarius

THis VideO is still ACTIVE on My PatreOn Page please see Written EXplanation HERE I will make post private from This weekend Check it out whilst still Public.. SATURN GOES DIRECT FOR THE FULL MOON ... SATURN TURNS DIRECT XMAS NEW YEAR 20% OFF VENUS ENTERS SAGITTARIUS! THE ACTUAL SKY SHOWS YOU, VENUS ENTERED SAGITTARIUS 9/11 FOR THE FULL MOON 15 NOVEMBER... SUN IN LIBRA, VENUS RULES LIBRA, AND JUPITER IN TAURUS RULED BY VENUS, SO MUTUAL RECEPTION, JUPITER IN HOME OF VENUS AND VENUS IN HOME OF JUPITER.... MARS IS IN CANCER AND MOON THE RULER WILL BE IN ARIES.. SO MUTUAL RECEPTION AGAIN, MARS IN HOME OF MOON AND MOON IN.ARIES HOME OF MARS...MOON COMBUST URANUS, URANUS IN TAURUS RULED BY VENUS, BOTH UNDER ALGOL MEDUSA, MERCURY RULER OF VIRGO, WHERE SOUTH NODE KETU SITS AND MERCURY IS IN SCORPIO RULED BY MARS, MERCURY GOES RETRO 25 NOV AND MARS GOES RETRO 6 DECEMBER IN CANCER .. NORTH NODE IN.PISCES RULED BY JUPITER ..SATURN GOES DIRECT IN AQUARIUS 15 NOV, FOR FULL MOON ... PLUTO IN CAPRICORN IS OPPOSITE MARS IN CANCER MARS IS IN FALL, AS MERCURY IS OPPOSITE JUPITER AND URANUS IS OPPOSITE SUN ... EXPLOSIVE FULL MOON THE PEOPLE REBEL . So we had the elections 5th November. Remember, Vengeance is a dish best served cold. The Corrida de Toros is ANGRY. The Spanish coast From Valencia to Catalonia have been flooded with extreme severity, mercifully. Their cars/Mercury swept in Corrid’OR’S by the Raging Torah, Possessions/Taurus and Homes/Cancer swept away. All this as Mars stepped into the home of the MOON Cancer. As I have explained we have been flipped from CV to VC Vicky Cristina Valentine Cupid Valencia Catalonia, Barcelona. During the elections Mercury moved into ScorpiO. Vendetta is ScorpiO. Mercury in ScorpiO for the next two Months, will go retrOgrade from 25th November to December 15th. Mars the ruler of ScorpiO will go retrO two days before Paris rises Notre Dame on the 8th Esmeralda and her Hunch back. Kamala and Trump. Trump may have won, however the hate campaign is in full swing world wide. Between Kamala and Trump there is ElOn himself. The Musketeer will defend Trump as something sudden and unexpected is about to happen. We approach the full Moon on the 15th November and on that day the God of Time and Karma moves forward after 5 Months retrO, SATURN. Saturn at home in Aquarius, the visionary, new world will unfold now. Aquarius is the Star link, its AIR and Saturn squares Jupiter, ZorrO, in Taurus Fixed Earth the TorsO of Terre. Venus/PEACE the ruler of Taurus and Libra will Move into Sagittarius, aka D’artaganan for the full Moon. Moon just in Aries/WAR also ruled by Mars. Moon is combust Uranus the Rebel planet, still retrO and just in Taurus. Sun also in the home of Venus in Libra. Mutual reception Mars in the home of the Moon and Moon in the home of Mars. Mars is in fall in Cancer, Mars is incredibly emotional in Cancer and protective of their HOME. Mars is directly Opposite PlutO the subconscious mind in the Government Capricorn. So the people oppose the authority in a rebellious fashion, Uranus. Last quarter Moon on the 23rd November two days before Mercury goes retrOgrade, Moon now in LeO the LiOn King square to Uranus in Taurus and to Sun now in ScorpiO. Mars ruler of ScorpiO making a grand trine to North node in Pisces and Sun in ScorpiO. The energy of IDA the Floor The fluoride the Flor of Ida is rising. She, Lilith the Black work is gaining in Popularity and the whole world will be screaming anti Royalty from The king of Spain to the Trump administration and the rise of LUCY HER, Notre Dame takes her place. Revolution and division is rising and its all part of the Plan. JOIN US ON PATREON HERE READINGS and to subscribe to newsletter HERE
New Moon in SCorpiO, CryptO Currency and Rising NOTRE DAME

New Moon in SCorpiO, CryptO Currency and Rising NOTRE DAME

This VideO was Made for PatreON 25th November, full Post here It Covers 1st new Moon 1st December and Rising Notre Dame .. New VideO out On PatreOn covering the WHOLE Month of December and the TWO new Moons aka 30th December in Sagittarius is a BLACK MOON that opens 2025... Uranus will return to ARIES on the 2nd Black moon of the Month and Mars ruler is REtrO in Cancer in FALL.. You can BUY the December VideO here for 5 euros My Site for READINGS The PrOmO Code is now WORKING until 15th January AMAZING GRACE Mars ruler of ScorpiO, sits in Cancer, Cardinal Water. Moon the ruler of Cancer, regards family, safety and the womb of our emotional Moody tides and feelings. Mars will go retrOgrade in Cancer, on 6 December. Mercury, also in SCorpiO is stationary and turns retrograde from tomorrow 25th November. ScorpiO spells secrets and all that is hidden. ScorpiO is Money and investments, and Mercury is your ability to adapt and transmute using Logical thinking and accurate communication skills. When Mercury is retrOgrade in ScorpiO it symbolises either being devoured by the Sting or delivering the Sting. Mercury will paralyse its victims or empowers through shrewd manoeuvres and magnetic seduction. Jupiter, Batman, is in Taurus, opposite. Personal finances and possessions, what you hoard and hold dear. Taurus Fixed Earth, opposing Mercury aka Robin in ScorpiO. Looks like Robin is going to teach batman a lesson for being so greedy in Taurus. Venus ruler of Taurus is in Sagittarius the law breaker and maker. Jupiter and Mercury are preparing financial havoc for sure, as they are both retrO in the axis of MONEY. Mutual reception. Jupiter in Taurus the home of Venus and Venus in Sagittarius the home of Jupiter. Cat Woman is birthed and Batman will take a tumble. New Moon 1 December, again Mutual reception Moon is in FALL in ScorpiO and Mars is in FALL in Cancer. Cancer ruled by the MOON and Mercury Commerce RetrO in ScorpiO this is about MOON EYE MONEY. Cancer Moon is the people and opposite Cancer is Capricorn the government where PlutO sits. 1st Quarter Moon 8th December in Europe. This is the Big Day of rising HER Notre Dame. PlutO will be combust Venus in Capricorn, the old hag Hecate, Kill Bill the Nanny Goat. Venus combust PluTo the Subconscious Mind. PlutO Venus, square to Jupiter in Taurus as Jupiter squares both Sun/Mercury in ScorpiO and MOON Saturn in aquarius!!! Talk about Birthing the Black Madonna and her SON Jumping JACK FLASH! woah Black Betty. Mercury and Sun Combust to Antares, the Heart of scorpiO, mercury blinded by the Sun and almost Invisible. Moon ruler of Cancer where Mars is retrO, is square to Sun and Mercury and Square to Saturn conjunct Moon, Saturn now direct, in Aquarius spells REVOLUTION.. ElON Musk leads the field as BatMan and Esmeralda is Cat Woman, Jupiter ascending with his X Bride. Two new Moons and URANUS retrO into ARIES for 2nd New Moon 30th December in Sagittarius!! This December we have TWO new Black Moons on each side of the GOLDEN GATE GG BM Black Moon 1st December in SCorpiO On FIXED Star Antares 15 degrees ruled by MARS, Moon in detriment in SCorpiO and Mars in Fall in Cancer .. Moon rules Cancer Mars rules ScorpiO and Mars to go retrO 6/12 and 30th of December New Black Moon in Sagittarius D'artagnan ZorrO V for Vendetta Valencia Valentine, Jupiter Ruler RetrO in Taurus .. Aka TWO NEW BLACK MOONS to MARK the GALACTIC GAP on each side of the MilkY Way Passage Silver and Golden GATES between ScorpIO/Mars and Jupiter/Sagittarius When Both Jupiter and Mars are in the Opposite side on the Silver Gate Jupiter in Taurus home of VENUS and Mars retrO in home of Moon to return to GEMINI home of MERCURY as Mercury is retrO in SCorpiO its the PASSAGE THROUGH... on each side of OrION D'ORion Merlin so the GATE WAY IMPASSE Is officially Opened by NOTRE DAME the WORLD TAROT CARD 21 XXl as mercury is retrO 21 Days in SCorpiO.. Two Full Moons in One Month is Betty Blue Moon and Two NEW MOONS in Same Month is Black MOON Madonna BM WE have a very delicate 3 weeks ahead.. Mercury went RetrO 25th November in ScorpiO... Sun in SCorpiO since last quarter moon in leO, 23rd November and new Moon in ScorpiO 1st December MOON in FALL in scorpiO and Mars ruler of ScorpiO in Fall in Cancer... Mercury rules VirgO and Gemini VirgO Virgin/Whore/Madonna/Notre Dame and Gemini/The CHILD/Messenger Prince William is Gemini Born with the SUN on the wand of MERLIN 21/6 Summer Solstice and Notre Dame is risen the Black Madonna this 8th December 1st quarter Moon combust Saturn in Aquarius...
The Black Work, the Gates intO Lilith, SALT, CorpsD'IDA Corrid'OR Flor'IDA Hells L's Angels

The Black Work, the Gates intO Lilith, SALT, CorpsD'IDA Corrid'OR Flor'IDA Hells L's Angels

The Guardian to the under world FLOOR FLOR'IDA SALT LILITH the GUTS the BODY the FLESH the ANIMAL the CORPS COR'IDA CORPS'IDA CORRIANDA Body of IDA LILITH THis VideO was made yesterday for PatreON for the last Quarter Moon My Site for Readings In October 2024, Toulouse is getting ready to vibrate to the rhythm of “Le Gardien du Temple – La Porte des TĂ©nĂšbres”, a spectacular new edition of the urban opera by the La Machine company. This monumental creation, free and open to the public, will take place in the streets of the city center from October 25 to 27, plunging spectators into an atmosphere that is both mythological and dreamlike. Introducing Lilith This edition will introduce a fascinating new creature, Lilith, the Guardian of Darkness, a gigantic scorpion-woman. Originally designed for the Hellfest festival, Lilith symbolizes the passage between the worlds of the living and the dead, and will complete the already famous duo composed of Asterion, the Minotaur, and Ariane, the Great Spider. Together, these majestic creatures will bring the center of Toulouse to life in a show that combines poetry, gigantism and mechanical art. Gardien du Temple" Machine show in Toulouse: see you for opus 2 this weekend in the streets of the Ville rose there is AP/bi Pierre the tenebres of Lilith ... today is the last quarter Moon in Gemini then Cancer Square Sun in end of VirgO still Sun enters Libra every year on Halloween , Moon conjunct Mars in Gemini before Mars enters Cancer Halloween then goes Retro back to Gemini .. Venus ruler of Taurus where Jupiter sits and Uranus on Medusa and Ruler of Libra where Mercury sits , Venus on Antares Heart of ScorpiO Lilith we enter L'Oevre Noir after the Nile/Line Floods the Gap below is opened obviously .. I've covered the Machine for years and all weekend the doors to To Lose open to Appi Bull god of Fertility BAAL "Only he who has experienced the power of extremes finds true balance." —Davante Yara “The ALCHEMICAL OPUS is dangerous. Right at the beginning you meet the ‘dragon’, the chthonic spirit, the ‘devil’ the ‘blackness’, the NIGREDO and this encounter produces suffering.... the soul finds itself in the throes of melancholy
 In the language of the alchemists matter suffers until the NIGREDO disappears, when the ‘dawn’ (Aurora) will be announced by the ‘peacock’s tail’ (Cauda Pavonis) and a new day will break, the LEUCOSIS or ALBEDO
 But in this this state of whiteness one does not live.. to make it come alive it must have ‘blood’, ..what the alchemists call the RUBEDO, the ‘redness’ of life. Blood alone can reanimate a glorious state of consciousness in which the last trace of blackness is dissolved” Carl Jung “Le Gardien du Temple – La Porte des TĂ©nĂšbres”, Bedeau, sacristan, person who guards a sacred place Entering the BLACK WORK the CHER/CHAIR/FLESH/Material through V Victoria's Secret Eye of the need/L/ELLE/3771/3113 LN/NL HELL N LP/PL LIam Payne died 31 L/12 L/1/7 P/16/7 Peter Lynch died 61/7 P/16/7 L/12 61/ 7 The expression "black work" in alchemy refers to the first of the three phases whose accomplishment is necessary to complete the magnum opus . Indeed, according to tradition, the alchemist must successively complete the black work, the white work, and finally the red work in order to be able to accomplish the transmutation of lead into gold, to obtain the philosopher's stone or to produce the panacea . The three phases of the Magnum Opus : Nigredo , Albedo , Rubedo (from Pretiosissimum Donum Dei , published by Georges Aurach in 1475) Black work ( melanosis in Greek, nigredo in Latin), under the sign of Saturn: there is death, dissolution of mercury and coagulation of sulfur."Our alchemist begins by preparing, in an agate mortar, an intimate mixture of three constituents. The first, which accounts for 95%, is an ore: an arsenious pyrite. The second is a metal: iron, lead, silver or mercury. The third is an acid of organic origin: tartaric or citric acid. He will grind by hand and mix these constituents for five or six months. Then he heats everything in a crucible... The Miraculous Stone
Jimm Mors'is SON L.A WOMB MAN MoJo RISIN!! MJ/JM JUpiter Mercury John Milton Paradise Lost

Jimm Mors'is SON L.A WOMB MAN MoJo RISIN!! MJ/JM JUpiter Mercury John Milton Paradise Lost

This is for My You Tube Family SO Much has been shared and said last week on PatreON 2 VideOs of 2hrs each in DEPTH on North CarOline/Nile.. HH/88 Hurricane Helen/LN.. Please join us there to help me carry on my work ff/66 Floods Flora of Ida happened Fall equinox 26/9 when Moon sat between Taurus/Gemini the GAP of Ophucius where Comet C2o23 will be for Full Lunar eclipse Hunter Moon in Ophiuchus opposite GAP Sag/SCorpiO.. Mars was in GeminI/Mercury on sirius and Jupiter was in Taurus/Venus Moon on wand of OriOn where SUN SITS for 216 6x6x Summer Solstice It's important to GET THIS as SUN is the heart centre Moon is the FLOOR FLORA of Ida Summer Solstice Taurus Gemini sit in the GAP of Russia/Canada CHI RHO 55kms above NZ/OZ Come for a Reading HERE “A man searching for paradise lost can seem a fool to those who never sought the other world.” JIm Morri'SON . Paradise Lost is an epic poem in blank verse by the 17th-century English poet John Milton. The first version, published in 1667, consists of ten books with over ten thousand lines of verse. A second edition followed in 1674, arranged into twelve books with minor revisions throughout. MR MOJO MJ/JM RISIN! JOHN MILTON JIM MORRISON JEAN MERMOZ JAPPALOUP and MiltON JUPITER and MERCURY BATMAN and ROBIN THE MUTABLE CROSS GANGSTERS TRICK or TREAT MICK JAGGER MICHAEL JACKSON its ALWAYS MJ/JM the REVOLVING DOORS ... L/12 A/1 WOMB OF MAN WM MILKY WAY Mary Magdalene MM/BB is M/13th sign 13/B 13/M MB GAMES .... FEMME the Ritual to the Flore of IDA CORPS d'IDA BLUE MOUNTAINS VIRGINIA VIRGIN/VIRGO 2/10 solar eclipse VirgO 10/10 first quarter MOON... 17th Full HUNTER LUNAR ECLIPSE Pisces the hands show you The blue color is assigned to the following stage. Blue stands in stark contrast to red and indicates a cool and calming state. Blue is the color of Mary’s mantle in heaven. She is the womb in which Christ was born, and has always represented the symbol of a spiritual vessel. Blue is also the color of water and can thus represent the unconscious: just as we see the fish in the clear blue of the water, the spiritual contents contrast with the darkness of the unconscious. VC connection the CROSS Jack Rose to explain in next videO CV/VC Corona Virus Corona VIctor is VICTOR/IA CROSS VirgO PIsces CORONA VICTOR/IA/AI Gemini Sagittarius CUPID VALENTINE MUTABLE CROSS C/3 V/22 322/223 VICTORIA CROSS VINCENT CASSEL CASS/EL Film LA HAINE EL/HAINE VICKY CHRISTINA VIRGO/CHRIST Mary Magdalene Christ MISS IDA 1811 1859 and 1811-1812 New Madrid earthquake damage.. BAAL HAINE 🐳 Baleine HELL HAINE N 18/9 11 1811 is 9/11 Post from October 5th 2023 .... I dont normally read books of this kind.. But because i know the NEW GOLEM is being born in the unconscious collective Generational astrology Wheel GAME and i had a client who came to me of this name.. i checked the name out and fell on this BOOK .. written by RR Rhonda Riley Romulus Remus simply two directions of Wheel R/18 R/18 180/180 makes 360 wheel.. Google Adam Hope and you will see that all the people with this name are to do with SOUND FREQUENCY or new technology .. ADAM HOPE is a Play on Adam and Eve and APPI Like other bull deities, Apis was probably at first a fertility god concerned with the propagation of grain and herds, but he became associated with Ptah, the paramount deity of the Memphite area, and also with Osiris (as User-Hapi) and Sokaris, gods of the dead and of the underworld. Planet of the APPS Gemini/Taurus Merged to create the new 16 yr Old Boy DAUPHIN and his DOG REX of high frequency from EVE/VirgO woman... in book woman is called Evelyn.. a Man comes to her from the MUD/CLAY first he is created in HER Image female Pisces/Scissor ♓Sistas Feminine Mutable AXE/ISIS then he shifts to become her MAN New Adam and Eve created in alchemical Wedding of Life.. .. Which is exactly what is happening Now, VirgO is made intO a Fertile BOY of 16 yr LeO son/Sun Kid.. It explains the new humans that are of higher frequency and those of us who escape the death rays the children off high frequency are able to transmute them.. Thats why its important to protect your EARS as we perceive sounds that most don't.. Read the book its very telling and a beautiful story that i really enjoyed .. Important posts to go with videO all in PatreON but also a couple FB here
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