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DALI Hits FRANCE/IS Scott 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 KEY/CHIRON Baal 🐳/N ti MORT Bridge Whale Tail splash Mary/Moon

DALI Hits FRANCE/IS Scott 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 KEY/CHIRON Baal 🐳/N ti MORT Bridge Whale Tail splash Mary/Moon

I made this 20 min video very fast, just very quickly opened up a couple of pages, no time to research...You need to have seen previous videos to get this all.. In the next videO ill go more deeply, but ill be busy next two weeks.. if you appreciate me taking the time for you, to make these videos, please consider making a small, donation or booking a reading,. Thank you darlings 💜 The Bridge fell in the shape of an M/13 The American PI Flag is 13/M stripes Mo's COW MC 13th chakra .. "The Star-Spangled Banner" is the national anthem of the United States. The lyrics come from the "Defence of Fort M'Henry", a poem written on September 14, 1814, by 35-year-old lawyer and amateur poet Francis Scott Key .. 1776 Star "The Star-Spangled Banner" PLUTO CYCLE 1776 PlutO Back to Black in Capricorn/Saturn The BRIDGE from age of Pisces to Aquarius the Bridge of the Sinking Jupiter/Pisces of American PI/Aquarius/Saturn The Bridge passage at the back of the SKULL VirgO is the Medulla oblongata Skull n Bone Mutable Cross JM/MJ Jupiter/Mercury GPS Gemini Pisces Sagittarius and VirgO under the Whore Eyes ON The Broken Bridge and the Dream, 1945 by Salvador Dali Francis FRANCE Scott Key Fitzgerald (September 24, 1896 – December 21, 1940) 1940 Uranus was last where it is Now 84 yrs ago 1940 to 2024 8/4 total solar eclipse coming UP.. on Medusa before entering Taurus exactly as now.. You Tube would not upload this video, 20 min video should take 30 mins to upload, its taken me from 9 pm to past midnight to get this uploaded.. it uploaded then dropped, emptied all my videos in storage on my own PC?? chaos.. AI madness signs of times to come Coming up to major Cyber Cybele AI Attis AC/CA Fixed star Cor Caroli, Alpha Canum Ascendant crash with Mercury retrograde in the abyss its gonna be looney tunes madness. More than 1,600 European planes hit by mystery BoB MARLY/MARYLand JAMMING GPS/Gemini Pisces Sagittarius oppose V/VirgO Moon 1,600 is 7 last leg new leg under the whore eyes ON jamming with Russia feared responsible Planes flying over and around the Baltic Sea in northern Europe have been suffering technical problems caused by jamming since Sunday, with 1,614 planes, mostly civilian, reporting problems since then. Such interference poses serious issues for pilots, as it can force them to contend with fake signals that give false information about the plane’s position in the sky. Such interference poses serious issues for pilots, as it can force them to contend with fake signals that give false information about the plane’s position in the sky. NEWS LETTER I made after last VideO made Sunday 24th March with VideOs and all info inside LOVe
Total CorONA Sol/AR Eclipse when the Sun/Son is BLACK

Total CorONA Sol/AR Eclipse when the Sun/Son is BLACK

If you want to subscribe to my News Letter, or book readings do so here.. All the planets sit in Capricorn/Aquarius/SATURN Pisces/JUPITER Aries/MARS VirgO/MERCURY Mars/Jupiter lower chakras St MARTIN Kills BILL/Saturn CROWN 3rd EYE South Node in Corona/VirgO YOu have to Pay your BILL to open the GATES .. ''Alan Watts“ The Godhead is never an object of its own knowledge. Just as a knife does not cut itself, fire does not burn itself, light doesn’t illuminate itself. It’s always an endless mystery of itself.” I didn't mention in this videO enough, Just how important this time is, to find your own Lunar light in the Solar Corona Ring of Fire .. We are being offered a Capstone, you may choose a Cap or a Cape. Olympic Fire that illuminates the path but does not Burn.. The Light is now within, White Sun and the Dark Sun is without, The Black/Son SUN is born through her Lunar rays.. The Red Sun is the true AIR Aquarius.. and Mer/Lion Mercury conjunct eclipse Sun/Moon Sulphur Salt births the Dauphin new world. South Node in Corona/VirgO meets North Node/Sun/Moon, Chiron, Mercury RetrO Venus/Neptune in Pisces/Victor/IA Mercury/Corona, Jupiter/Victoria Coronavirus CV/VC 322/223 The eclipse is the Giving/Sun and the Receiving/Moon What are you Giving G/GReen? What are you Receiving R/RED and From WHO ?? There is a strange Breeze today and EMF cuts, storms or Black outs are not out of the picture.. An eclipse is an engagement, do you really give your consent?? and to WHOM? This is Judgement time, please focus on your own corona RING and focus on the ones you trust and love, it's a time for solitude and inner merging .. Salt Sulphur and Mercury The Merging and Birthing of the child Mercury/Venus comjunct on 20th April Herm/aphrodite Jupiter/Uranus Combust 20th April 20/4 is 24/42 again/JUpiter move from Ram/ARies/Yellow Fire to Black/Earth Taurus, V Hierophant the 5th element.. Taurus the first sign of the New CROSS, Taurus is The new Summer solstice which is in fact at the Equinox at the FEET the souls the IC/ICE as Aquarius falls onto the spring Equinox, ASC Ascendant. Taurus falls to the 4th house South Summer Solstice the RAIN REIGN in Spain stays mainly on the plain is CORRIDO TorOs Taurus, on the whore eyes on when Taurus is at the feet of the new cross, SCorpiO at the MC and LeO Lion on the DC Descent .. The Hierophant V Quintessential 5th Element is the first sign of the new age Fixed cross.. Mayans and Asteks are of the time of EDan when we had the knowledge before the Eagle FELL into a scorpiOn and Libra the scales became the Snake it was the serpent of knowledge scorpiO Eagle carried snake wisdom .. all the cardinal and fixed signs should merge as one again the wheel is being artificially closed and stuck in the wrong pegs.. The Aztecs were Nahuatl-speaking people who lived in central Mexico in the 14th to 16th centuries. Their tribute empire spread throughout Mesoamerica. The Maya people lived in southern Mexico and northern Central America — a wide territory that includes the entire Yucatán Peninsula — from as early as 2600 BC. The civilization’s height was between 250 and 900 AD. A part of the sun which is typically hidden will reveal itself Solar eclipses allow for a glimpse of the sun’s corona—the outermost atmosphere of the star that is normally not visible to humans because of the sun’s brightness. The corona consists of wispy, white streamers of plasma—charged gas—that radiate from the sun. The corona is much hotter than the sun's surface—about 1 million degrees Celsius (1.8 million degrees Fahrenheit) compared to 5,500 degrees Celsius (9,940 degrees Fahrenheit).
Abbas App/Abb Appi Pons brooks Comet pb/bp Stein/sTONE  DALI DAL/STONE Dalai DAL/i/EYE.L'AME/A

Abbas App/Abb Appi Pons brooks Comet pb/bp Stein/sTONE DALI DAL/STONE Dalai DAL/i/EYE.L'AME/A

I just made another Quick VideO because FB immediately banned this last post.. This is WHY my information can no longer be thrown out onto FB nor You tube and after Mercury retrOgrade i will begin to post my material on my own site, or on PatreOn although i'm still not decided.. for a small fee I THINK, im still trying to work it out... HOw im gonna do it ... What have i been telling you for Months and Months..Le Seigneur des Anneaux Lord of the Rings Lord GRUFFALO LG/G7 GG/77 APPI/Abbi APPs Abb's ABBA APP/L The EYE of the APP/L FELL EIN/STEIN EYE/FELL Tower LAMP/LAMB Stien/sTONE its all about the war for the Thalamus BetheLamp/b Jupiter/Uranus Conjunction on Medulla MEDUSA the P/ALE STein In STAG RAM IS/RA/EL the last L/7 angle from Saturn in Aquarius at Home making a Right ANGLE last LEG to the PIERRE STONE ABBA third EYE what Genie DJINNN GIN CHIN CHIN What EYE ii AI do you awaken?? from Aladdin's LAMP/b ABdominal AB/FAB ABBA Alfa OMega Alef Tav ABduction ABolish Kate and Willy came to chateau next to me where Book ABBE PIERRE The STONE/STEIN Philosophers sTONE Taurus is the first sign of the NEW FIXED CROSS Prince Willys Birthday is 21/6 DALI DAL/STONE Dalai DAL/i/EYE Lama L'AME/A ... Lama cargO ship hit another BRIDGE ARC in 2016/21/6 OBVIOUSLY/Summer solstice sun is on WAND/BAGUETTE of MER/LION SEA/LION 21/6 Kate Will came here where Book ABBE PIERRE was written in 1924 by WILL I AM JaY HUD'SON to Open the LioN Gate in AUCH in 2016 aka 21/6 Last Summer Solstices the Village of AB Avéron-Bergelle and my village had a massive STORM trees houses everything destroyed by Lightening especially house in Averon begerelle one couple i know are still waiting for their house to be rebuilt... Abbas Attar's 80th Birthday This Doodle celebrates French-Iranian photographerandjournalistAbbas Attar, whose photojournalism chronicled conflicts, religions, and the plights of communities around the globe. My last news letter i shared a video i did 5yrs agO with Jackson 5 sadly you cant see videO i dont think?? Can you SEE this VideO?? Nucleus Proton Electron 3,6,9, Atomic TRAP it opens with the first scene from Picnic at Hanging rock ve been explaining Picnic at hanging Rock for yrs for yrs.. Yup, P12 Pons Brooks Comet PB Paddy Bear the POLARIS 369 SPIN GPS always one leg under the Horizon.. When you are the central PIVOT you can Spin, otherwise you will be forever SPUN .. Pic/Pike/Peak Nick/Nique/NIKE at Hanging Rock/ROche/Stone/sTONE/PIERRE Crocus City Hall, on the outskirts of Moscow - 20km (12 miles) from the Kremlin - was about to host a concert by the rock group Picnic when gunmen burst into the foyer just after 20:00 (17:00 GMT) on Friday evening.
To Deceive, Inveigle, and Obfuscate Jack's SON V/5  Cybele, Isis, Mithra Judaism Christianity

To Deceive, Inveigle, and Obfuscate Jack's SON V/5 Cybele, Isis, Mithra Judaism Christianity

Darlings please subscribe to my News letter, ill be bringing one out tonight or tomorrow, to catch up with all posts and all said in this videO Readings, I'm free now for readings, from April, I won't consider Patreon before end of April, I'm still not sure about it, My work is my readings that's where all my Time Love and attention goes with these you tube videOs and my newsletter, I'm doing now takes me many hours to do.. and FB Posts so ill talk about my ideas in my next newsletter, but for now READINGS is how i am paid, so please keep booking readings, donate if you feel inclined, that is already enormous.. and speaking of my work to your friends, LOve VideO i did in 2019 Can You SEE it?? FEEL it?? It's all about NOW this videO was band 5yrs agO talks about what's happening 5 eclipses this yr and we just went through the 3/3 3/6 3/9 and the 322/223 Now... "Queen of Heaven" 322 SATURN CONJUNCT VENUS in Aquarius Fomalhaut, Lunar eclipse Moon in VirgO Moon was in LeO for Kate's announcement of Cancer 322.. "In like fashion the Phrygians, who have kept unchanged the performance of their rites and the tales attached to them, allow us to understand the Mother of the Gods and Attis along the same lines. For surely no one doubts that the Mother of the Gods is thought to be the earth: the goddess is carried along by lions, animals whose powerful, hot-blooded attacks capture the nature of heaven, whose sphere embraces the air that carries the earth. They outfit the sun, under the name of Attis, with a pipe and a rod: the pipe represents a sequence of uneven breaths, because the winds, which have nothing even about them, take their substance from the sun; the rod shows the power of the sun, which regulates all things" (Macrobius vol. I 281). Deceive, Inveigle, and obfuscate.... Pisces... Sun Mercury North node Chiron and Neptune on the DragOns Milky Way Whales Wales Tail Will I AM Tell Tale and the SON dauphin Mercury retrograde for solar eclipse can you FEEL It? Can U C at the bottom of the deep blue CCC C/3 33/8 33/8 88 mph Splash... Lunar eclipse VirgO/LeO Mercury /SUn Cyber CYBELE and ATTIS LIon GATES Whore Eyes ON BabyLON New Cults: Cybele, Isis, Mithra | Judaism and Christianity CYBER Kate CAME TO GERS 2016 21/6 Williams BIRTHDAY TO OPEN THE Lion GATES AS CybELE What was Magna Mater symbolized by? In art, the Magna Mater was often depicted wearing a crown and a veil. She would typically be seated either on a throne or on a chariot drawn by two lions. What is Cybele known for? Cybele is known for being the mother of the gods, the earth, nature, and humans. In her origin myth, she was born a hermaphrodite, and she was worshiped alongside Attis, a fertility god. Her cult became prominent in the Roman Empire and is associated with frenzied worship. What is the cult of Cybele? The cult of Cybele was a major cult of the Roman Empire associated with frenzied worship. Its priests were called the Galli. The Galli castrated themselves in accordance with the myth of Attis and dressed as women. Festivals in honor Cybele and the fertility god Attis were held in spring and included games, feasts, and sacrifices. What is Cybele the goddess of? Cybele was considered the Great Mother of the Gods and was associated with motherhood, nature, fertility, and agriculture. She was originally worshiped in the kingdom of Phrygia, but her cult spread to Greece and Rome, where she was identified with various Greek and Roman goddesses. Her cult was a major cult in the Roman Empire. Cybele and Attis is the story of the Phrygian great mother goddess Cybele's tragic love for the mortal Attis. It is also a story of self-mutilation and regeneration. When Cybele—one of Zeus' would-be lovers—rejected him, Zeus wouldn't take "no" for an answer. While his victim slept, the great philanderer spilled his seed on her. In due course, Cybele gave birth to Agdistis, a hermaphroditic demon so strong and wild that the other gods feared him. In their terror, they cut off his male sexual organ. From its blood sprang an almond tree. This castration/birth connection is also seen in one version of the story of the birth of Aphrodite. Tomorrow Partial Lunar eclipse MARS on Fomalhaut in Aquarius ruler of Aries SQUARE to Jupiter and Uranus in ARIES conjunct P12 Pons Brooks Devil's comet ... Venus/Saturn conjunct in Aquarius The-Pagan-Attis-and-Christian-Jesus
Kate RnB Rose Mary's Baby Passage MISSING 3.14 PI Day

Kate RnB Rose Mary's Baby Passage MISSING 3.14 PI Day

My Site for readings/donations and to subscribe to my News letter where i will explain the coming changes.. Its 2pm I CAN NO longer spend HRS started this post at 9 am explaining this has to go onto Patreon, but i did try and i just couldnt find out how to do it.. It will come.. As soon as i get onto Patreon, all my posts and VideOs will be there, nothing about decoding, will be on face book nor You tube again.. I will wait till Mercury has gone retrograde in DETRIMENT and in FALL in Pisces and has left Pisces and enters Aries before I open Patreon I’m really bad at new technology so will take a while to get intO and Onto IT.. .. Are you Sirius John MacnRoe.. JM/MJ PhoTO Digital Phoney Cyrus keeper of the Four Corners Siri is the digital assistant that is part of Apple Inc.'s iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, macOS, tvOS, audioOS, and visionOS operating systems. Kate has her North node and MOON on SIRIUS Gemini so mercury opens her 12th house and South Node Sun in Sagittarius so she is born on a Full Moon Jupiter opens her 6th House 12/6th Feminine axis Mutable cross Gemini Sagittarius Masculine axis mutable cross JM/MJ Jupiter mercury merged as ONE X Marks the spot New MOON BLack Moon MOON/CANCER/MOTHERS DAY MOON DISAPPEARS under the SUN KING Soleil COPY FAKE WOMEN MOTHERS WOMB .. THE END Of MOTHERS MISSING ST Martin de TOURS KIlls St SATURNIN Artificial WOMB LAMB/p THALAMUS Moon Star Moon Key 369 the line broke the Moon key got choked White/Black Ying Yang feminine axis GREEN MAN 13/B API/BEE Corona/VirgO Victor/IA Pisces Black/WHite D'ORION GRAY Cupid/Gemini Sagittarius/Valentine REd/Yellow ORANGE CV/VC 322/223 Flip Flop Become ONE at X marks the spot 1 SEX Kate pure/lamp/b Origin:Greek. Other Origin(s):British. Meaning:pure. Kate is a feminine name of Greek and English origins. A shortened form of Katherine, this name means “pure,” and is a wonderful way to honor baby's life as a clean slate, rich with potential. Midd L TONe Pale/Stein PhilOspohers sTONe The last L/7 G 7 Leg PaddingTON BEAR 12P Pons Brooks DEVIL Comet DEVIL STAR P/b 96/69 WAS in ANDROMEDA 10 March for New Moon Devil Comet was in Andromeda/MIRANDA in PIcNic at Hanging Rock goes MISSING as NicOLA TESS/LA 369 BULL/EYE 🎯👁next to is The “Devil Comet” has arrived. Officially known as Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks (a much tamer, more boring name), the celestial rock is making its regular 71-year trip around the sun, passing by our planet this month. For the Solar eclipse 12/P Pons brooks will be in Aries/Mars conjunct Jupiter/Uranus under ALGOL… Kate Holmes daughter is SURI SIRI TC Top Cat TOm cruise and WILL I AM with out their Kates and SIRI SIRIUS CYRUS keeper of 4 corners takes the last LEG angle Mid L TON RoseMarys Baby is RB RED BLUE and GREEN is the MID L TONe Stone P/RAM Devils Comet is 12/p POns Brooks Paddy Bear Pb/bp is found at Victoria Station V Vesica Piscis Pisces where the eclipse 8/4 is 84 URANUS CYCLE Uranus/Jupiter conjunct under ALGOL as 84yrs agO Uranus was then too in 1940 to enter Taurus TORSO TOROS FIELD MISSING Pic NIKE at Hanging ROCK/sTONE Miranda Missing Pisces 12th house eclipse in Pisces on the V for Victory Corona/VicTOR/IA/AI PB paddy bear found at Victoria station .. NicOLA Bull EYE Passage TOrsO 8/4 eclipse 84yrs Uranus Cycle 42 HALF of Uranus Jupiter symbol Paris Olympic SYmbOL 10 March was a New BLACK MOON in Aquarius Ruled by Saturn that is the last New Moon before Solar eclipse New Moon in Pisces 8th April.. 369 passage then 10th March new Moon was the Darkside of the Moon PRISM passage.. Kate has all her planets under the Horizon But Moon in Gemini conjunct her north node.. Saturn opens her 6th house to above the horizon on her south Node Lunar Nodes are what makes the eclipses.. M 31 10 March is 31/13 ELLE/3773 10 march Mercury was conjunct North Lunar Node in Pisces conjunct NEPTUNE too Neptune/ILLUSION/FALSE/FAKE/MISTAKE/What we LOSE Disappears.. .. Pisces is PHOTOGRAPHY Pisces is 12th house 3,6,9 12 the last LEG .. Pisces is Invisible its all that we LOSE sight off, it’s the abyss, its where we Transcend the Physical realm .. Pisces falls Under the WHORE EYES ON Horizon/ZION as Aquarius falls OntO the Whore Izon and VirgO rises above the Whore Eyes ON as LeO rises above VirgO rides the beast.. Whore of BabyLOn SUN/Rules LeO Saturn rules Aquarius… Kate is Born on a Full Moon SUN in Sagittarius/Jupiter and Moon in Gemini/Mercury.. Diana had same axis Sun in Gemini.. KATE is RISING Cancer Moon rules Cancer she has Mercury/Venus in Capricorn Saturn rules Capricorn Venus is retrograde in her chart I've already explained the APP/bb 12th house AByss PB/BP Paddy Bear APPI Abbi APIS In ancient Egyptian religion, Apis or Hapis alternatively spelled Hapi-ankh, was a sacred bull or multiple sacred bulls worshipped in the Memphis region, Memphis is on the Solar eclipse Path.. Arizona PI Dog on News Report Laughing presenter.. Sirius Sun God
Nucleus Proton Electron 3,6,9, Atomic TRAP

Nucleus Proton Electron 3,6,9, Atomic TRAP

The Venus Fly Trap is the Visica Piscis Catch 22 before the great Saturn/Jupiter conjunction of 2020...Venus makes retrograde every 2 n a half about yrs the LAST one before 2020 was 2018 there will be one after the Saturn/Jupiter conjunction ... but the 2018 was the last supper before POPOV i feel ...Pisces is about ILLUSION DECEPTION CONFUSION its also very spiritual, it’s the 12th door out of the wheel it is the Swastika Right/Left North/South SPIN of the FOUR TUNES not three… we are only given the TESLA 3,6,9 TRAP Saturn the true Twin DNA peaks of Flesh to is the 10th MC house the X cross over into Aquarius and Capricorn Red/Air Black/Earth, it is the journey from lead to GOLD Saturn is in the beginning there was heaven Aquarius and Earth Capricorn we return after the journey of expansion LIGHT JUPITER back to being the whole labyrinth We are currently passing through the vesica Pisces and Jupiter wants to TRAP us there in Pisces They want to have the POPOV event of Orange 3,6,9 MERCURY before 2020 when we make the true kingdom to Spirit Saturn Jupiter wants to make an electrical Universe like in Symbols from an aLIEn sky documentary tricks…ThunderBolt Plasma Fake Kingdom and I feel the PopOV/OFF may be for the Midsummers dream… Jupiter works with Uranus to keep us in the flesh and his seven Moons are the 7 dwarfs of Shakespeare The SHAKE is the Spear of the Jew Pete Tsar Aryans The Sultans of swing…. Uranus does NOT rule Aquarius SATURN does….. We had the triple Goddess ISIS Romulus Remus Valentine Fertility ritual 13,14,15 February 3 phases of the Moon over the BULL Alderbaren the fake philosophers stone of flesh. The Triple Twister fertility event for the coming PopoV/OFF Ronald Ragan RR Romani Gypsy Kings till Donald last Trump ET….Goddess they past over Aldebaran the Bull Isis on the 13,14,15, February for the Romanus Remus TWIN WOLF DNA Valentine Then we had 21 days 777 beautiful clear spring fertility ritual 14 Feb till 7 march The Dragon/Snake Rahu/North Node Ketu/South Node moved on the 777 Black Moon into Gemini/Sagittarius MJ Mercury Jupiter Michael Jackson Now we have just had the third 7th black Moon on the 6th over True 3rd eye Saturn Fomalhaut, as mercury went retrOgrade in Pisces very much the energy of the triple Goddess deception Visica Pisces Tesla SPIN and Spun in the web or we become the spinner and the weavers of as above so below..3,6,9, is the TRAP.. and on the 7th the black moon was in the visica Piscis Pisces making the 777 after the 007 BOND AGE black moons on the 7/11/18 in Libra and the 7/12/18 in ScorpiO Kiss of Judas.. and then the 7/3/19 in the visica Piscis is the deception... Venus is Isis/Taurus/Spider/Triple Goddess web Vesica Piscis CC 33 .. 3 Venus is Libra/Omega/Pentagram/Flower/Lucifer 5g 5th Element .... 5 Mercury is Gemini/TWIN DNA strands from lead to Gold .... 2 Currently Mars and Uranus in ARIES/WARS with Eris still Uranus spend 7 yrs there as in WW2 84 yrs ago…. And Pluto and Saturn are conjunct in Sagittarius as they were opposite each other for 9/11 conjuct Rahu and ketu it takes 18 years for them to do a cycle we are at 2001/2019 NOW… means TWIN GEMINI EVENT Mercury RETRO 21 days is 777 in Pisces On the 3/3 we had Alabama Capital of Alabama is Montgomery Celt Galois Alabama is 911 in Gemetria wizard of OZ Tornado Torso Taurus Torah spin... Montgomery Monty Python is the Capital the flag is the 322 skull n Bone cross as is the flag of Alabama ... 32 Scottish Right Old Mac Donald Had a Farm… Mutable Cross of Mercury Jupiter MJ Jackson 32 is the state of Grace and the paths of wisdom 23 is the twin DNA strands 6/6 we had the IRA Mercury went retrOgrade on the 6th in Pisces in the visica Piscis as well for 3 weeks which enhances the 21 777 3 weeks ritual of clear blue sky almost unheard of in our day and age of chemtrails... The black Moon was above Fomalhaut and we had IRA 3 Bombs 3 Men is 6/3 Ira the Jairite is "chief minister unto David." The three firebombs were sent to Heathrow Airport, City Airport and Waterloo station yesterday but were all found and defused by terror experts. All three devices were sent from Irish addresses and bore Irish postmarks as confirmed by security services. Following the attack which did no harm, a Whitehall source did confirm that an Irish dissident group could be at the centre of the attempted attack. 9/3 Scotland 11-18 Wales: Six Nations – as it happened 119 1+8 = 9 again ... Rahu Ketu takes 18 yrs to do a cycle 18 Months in each sign now they are in the twins from BLACK MOON 6/3 is 9/3 .... 18 is 1 + 8 is 9 ....11/9 is 9/11 The RED White and GREEN DRAGON
Od Nim, The ROD GOD Fisher MAN Odyssey 2001 REV 21/24

Od Nim, The ROD GOD Fisher MAN Odyssey 2001 REV 21/24

HellO Darlings I'm thrilled i was able to do this videO this Morning for you.. A LOT as always, i make slips of the tongue, i said they will rise Notre Dame April 8th but obviously that is the Great eclipse, I meant DECEMBER 8th 2024 Notre Dame will rise again the day the Queen died VirgIn Marys Birthday and go check out the chart for that day 8 December!! i didn't in this videO but see Jupiter RetRO on Bulls eye Aldebaran as Mars was for Queen's death .. Mars in cancer and Moon ruler Conjunct Saturn in Aquarius and Venus in Capricorn, where she entered 3days agO on the 17th 9 Months Later... Nimrod is simply BAAL the Sun God Full Moon in LeO 24/25 My News letter will be out tomorrow or Wednesday so please subscribe here for special promotion code for subscribers Also to cover all i went over in this VideO... scroll down for links from video below The Sun is now in Aquarius, Saturn is also in Aquarius, Saturn rules Mother earth Capricorn and father Air Aquarius. All the inner planets sit in these Twin Peaks. Capricorn, Government, Authority and Aquarius Free, visionary thinking and innovative rebellion. For the Full Moon on the 25th, the Moon will be opposite Aquarius in LeO. The Moon rules Cancer opposite Capricorn and the Sun Rules LeO opposite Aquarius. Mars and Venus conjunct to PlutO in Capricorn and Mercury conjunct to Saturn and Sun in Aquarius. This is all about your Anima and Animus, finding your Inner Lamp/b, merging your Gold/Sun/Father and Silver/Mother/Moon, Venus/Peace and Mars/Wars, is the ultimate Male Female Balance to be found. Red Pill Blue Pill Shift, is the electro Magnetic Pulse of Life. Venus Mars PlutO conjunct in Capricorn the Nanny Goat square to Uranus and Jupiter in Aries the Ram. Sun/Mercury/Saturn in Aquarius opposite Moon in LeO, the axis of as above so below The true new Vertical DRAGON Line is Born. Revelation 21:24 is exactly where we are 24 The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their splendour into it. Government, Capricorn. Freedom, Aquarius. Wars, Aries and Royalty, LeO. This is like the Drum Roll before the coming eclipses that close the Great X marks the spot from 2017 to 2024. The great eclipse, 8th April, will run through 8 towns from S.W to N.E America, called Nineveh as the capital city of Assyria, built by Nimrod. Jonah is sent to Assyria, to warn Nineveh of the coming catastrophe in 40 days. The New Moon 10 March, is in Aquarius. That means the revolutionary energy of Aquarius, being portrayed as Elon Muskateer, is in the limelight. The eclipses will be during this New Moon cycle. The eclipses will be when the Sun is in Pisces, but they will be under the Aquarius new Beginnings energy. Mercury will be in Pisces, Mercury the Messenger is in detriment, drowning and devoured by the Whale, just as Pinocchio was, Jonah is tested, Mercury conjunct to Neptune for this New Moon. Jonah attempts to avoid God’s order and is tossed overboard during a storm at sea. He spends three days and nights in its stomach before being thrown back onto dry ground. Everything is about being grounded and speaking up against injustice now. Repentance is the Theme, aka REPAINT your scene. THE AMERICAN ALEPH AND TAVS 2017, 2023 AND 2024 What is Nineveh in The Bible – Definition, History, & Significance,God%20but%20was%20eventually%20destroyed Rebuilding Notre Dame: a phoenix rising from the ashes OonaO Channel last two videO's On April 8, millions of Americans will find themselves in one of hundreds of cities directly on the total eclipse's path of totality. These maps offer a closer look.
Mega Meta CrocO Dial Dun Dee D/Day 4x4 Wheel Drive Flip Flop into ZiOn OZ/ZO  Iris

Mega Meta CrocO Dial Dun Dee D/Day 4x4 Wheel Drive Flip Flop into ZiOn OZ/ZO Iris

SUBTITLES HAVE NOW ARRIVEDo you can READ through the ECHO of Lars to READ what he says this video was done last week and it covered the date 5/V November before the James Bond and AstrOwhirl Loony Tune Bulls eYe Popeye we are in the eYe of the Tyger and i hope OZ/Iris and NZL Omaha Beach Mutable Earth VIrgO Girl Fertility Tubes is not hit Ive just paid 315 dollars for sub titles no idea if it will work but they say in 2 days this video will have sub titles thats the best i can do regarding echo Lars voice .. Meta-, meaning "after" or "beyond" Life beyond Odyssey 2001/2021 A bullfighter (or matador) Meta D'OR Golden Dial is a performer in the activity of bullfighting. ... The main performer and leader of the entourage in a bullfight, and who finally kills the bull, is addressed as maestro (master), or with the formal title Matador de Toros (killer of Torso Toros fields bulls). Multiverse, or Mega Meter verse, any hypothetical set of multiple universes in cosmology and other disciplines. Metaverse defines a collective virtual sharing space created by combining physical reality, online gaming, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and cryptocurrencies to enable users to interact virtually. Thank YOU Lars for Very Kindly sharing your pictures and views on how the Dial of the META Verse is being artificially Flip Flopped... This is a friendly Chat to fill you in with our current thinking... The Milky Way Meta Oros Boros Will there be only Summer/Winter will Spring Autumn be wiped How will the Canary Canard Donald Duck DD/44 Golden AIG/L PalmA D'OR Cannes Film Festival JFK Kut be... Flip or Flop? Which Dub LL/77 Coin Coin Corners will make the new BJ Blow Job JB 07 Last leg Angle?? CC/33 Clunk Click every Trip the Mother that smothers and suffocates Hotel Kali Climate Change CRAP.. What's the Time Mr WOLF??? The Enormous CrocO Dial NILE CLIPPERS the CHI RHO CHIRON KEY Turns and the Crabs Claws PINCH the CrocO DIAL Dun Dee D DAY DD/44 Wheel Drive full steam a HEAD .. is the Wheels within Wheels .. Round and round the garden, Like a teddy bear, One step, two step, Tickly under there! BT ET Phone Home M ET AR/RA .... Rock-a-bye baby, in the treetop When the wind blows, the cradle will rock When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall And down will come baby, cradle and all Will there be Fire Works for V for vendetta Guy Fawkes Hawks day? See you Later Ali GATE OR in a while CrocOdile Nile Dial Home M ET A Lars Site for Readings and all his work You Tube.. Alkymisk Astrologi My site for readings LOve xx
Crazy Straw 💥or Normal Straw? Pomme d'API 👁 American PI Paille Straw A PI BAAL In a Manger.🎯

Crazy Straw 💥or Normal Straw? Pomme d'API 👁 American PI Paille Straw A PI BAAL In a Manger.🎯

News letter will be out tomorrow, ... subscribe on my site News Letter Check your e mails Spam too, for NEW NEWS LETTER, with Promotion Code, Just sent out, for subscribers only, and service changes on my site 🪻🧚‍♂️🌊💜🐬💜🌊🧚‍♂️🪻 “Light has called forth one organ to become its like, and thus the eye is formed by the light and for the light so that the inner light may emerge to meet the outer light.”- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Normal Straw PAILLE pronounced PI alef/Tav .. BAAL of straw or CRAZY straw what passage do you choose?? The high priestess sits between the JB/BJ SOlar Lunar Pillars James Bond and Catherine Tate they leave on a DUB LL BI Cycle Strand DNA VirgO the virgin does not like SECTS SEX 99 red BAAL ON's Every time Uranus sits between Alef TAV Aries/Taurus inSTAG/RAM Raging BULL on ALGOL/ALCOHOL as Uranus sat there in 1940 there is a new beginning every 84 yrs 42 is half PAILLE/STRAW is PAILLE in French thats pronounced PI Abbi Appi the BULL GOD Pomme/AP/L of your EYE POmme D'API A PI The Life of PI American PIE the PhilOspohers sTONE PIERRE/STONE of the AP/L last corner to opening your Bulls EYE 🎯3rd EYE Eye of the Need/L 👁... THis time BAAL of STRAW/PAILLE/PI is risen because Taurus is the first sign on the Summer solstice 216 aka 6x6x6 to be in Taurus TOR TorsO on the BAGUETTE WAND of Orion/ARTHUR sWORD in the sTONE .. So The Cow jumped over the MOON Diana Moon Goddess and as PlutO has entered Capricorn/ Catherine the Great RUSSIA PlutO takes 250yrs to do a cycle.. the new PUT/WHORE HOR MOnal Isa Line eyes ON and Vertical UR Crayne Skull UK REINE is brought in.. Everyone posting STRAW BAAL's Berries all over FB try to THINK Join those dots, Paille is PI IT's a CIRCLE not a Square BAAL from Straw to Gold.. BAAL WORSHIP the fertility GOD that takes Inannas Fertility BES Rumpelstiltskin the WEAVER when INNANA is the weaver not SPIDER MAN.. when you share images ignorantly you participate in Mass Unconscious RITUALS .. The FARMERS protest is on the Motorway 64 46 chromosomes when IAM 64 TESS d'Urberville URBAN the city takes the fertility now.. TESS/L.A. The Beatle BEETLES 4 corners CYRUS/SIRIUS is DOG/GOG DOG/ON OS/IRIS TRIBES D Day Dog Daddy of the 4 corners.. is APPI the EYE of the APP/L the fertility GOD The eye of the B/13//Appi Holder THis 4th February Mercury conjunct PlutO .... Every 4 February aka whirl Cancer day 😏42 24 symbol of Jupiter, Sun Father is in Nanny Goat "" Old Bill/Y Gates "" 96 Capricorn opposite Cancer Mother 69, Moon ruler of Cancer is the Fertility childbirth passage.. Capricorn, ruled by Saturn is the higher octave the Lamp/b.. Capricorn/Cancer CC/33 Janus Winter/Summer death creation gateway flip flop....Cancer is the Mother that Smothers punishes rewards, she kills to protect her child she is the 69 to 96 gateway, Capricorn the old wise mid wife Inanna NAN passage through the womb HOME back to Heaven..she is Kali destruction and as long as women are not conscious that hell hath no fury than that of a scorned woman was stolen by BES APPI Rumplestiltskin PAN Cernunnos the Fertility God takes her power of fertility and kills humans because humanity has to get through the dark Mother A Lone/Elon
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