"Thanks again for the reading last night. It was truly amazing. I'm still buzzing from it. I look forward to listening to the recording when it comes through.
"The session with you filled me with such excitement as you confirmed so many things for me. You have a special gift. And your manner is so beautiful and authentic."
"Wow, you have such a beautiful mind. Your insight and wisdom have really opened up new understanding of different aspects of myself and my journey so far. I’ll give you more feedback on specifics once i’ve gone through the reading again. Thankyou for your time...such amazing value for a little money! Also made me smile alot by saying “goodness me” a few times when going through different aspects of the chart. Almost feel like you know me better than myself which is an interesting feeling. I will definetly recommend you to other people and can only say how grateful I am to have found you and all the time and effort you put into sharing your knowledge. Gave me goosebumps when your daughter called the moment you mentioned her!"
''You continue to blow me away at how accurate your readings are''
"I just listened and am amazed at the accuracy of my life you described. I’ll listen a few more times as I did the first reading.
I really appreciate your insight and skill and talent. Thank you for sharing those things with me."
"It was absolutely wonderful meeting you! The reading was incredible. You are really excellent. I am so impressed. Thank you so so much for the time you took to intuitively explain how my Natal chart comes together. I was buzzing for a few days after. I am going over it again and again, letting it all settle and absorbing it."
''I have just listened to my reading and oh my goodness, it made so much sense. I can't even begin to tell you how much I treasure your talent and clarity. The tarot made complete sense and your intuitive interpretation was completely spot on''
"Thank you so, so much...I'm listening in parts so I get it all in! You and your work are so incredible"
"Just wanted to say a huge thanks for the reading… astounding how accurate you were….my mind was blown. its certainly helped me with the next chapter of my life. Thank you so much"
"I wanted to thank you again for your time and the reading last week!"
I listened to it again and everything makes so much sense! I got emotional a couple of times during the reading, because it was so special and it felt so relieving to hear all of it! It made me feel strong and I realised I am allowed to be soft towards myself, because I am here to experience everything to the fullest and in my own way! I am proud of myself for that! It gives me so much strength!
Thank you so so so much for showing me this!"
'Thank You so much,
it's been such a gift to have these 7 sessions with you in a row,
me too, i feel equally honored to have met you
and am more than grateful to have received your help on the path to know thyself
but also that we looked into the charts of the ones dearest to my heart.
Yesterday, when your email with the recording and your beautiful feedback came
i was touched, felt seen in my worth and i had to go outside into the sun,
sat in the grass with thankful tears under the blue blue sky
feeling like as if i had just returned from a long wonderful personal private course
where i had learnt not only all about myself
but also how to better understand and look at the stars in their motion, connections, the wheels within wheels.'
'Thank you so much for your long written feedback ...
'Talk about 'dot connecting'.
I've had my chart read a few times and I'm still learning to decipher my wheel daily. The guides that come offer such brilliant gifts and Victoria is ethereal magic, divine connection and a translation in ways that see me enthralled and forever opening up to more learning.
Victoria came with such knowledge matched with mythos and translation of the words in a way that I could completely jive with, learn from and be continually inspired by.You should see about a chart reading from this brilliantly beautiful Soul should my words inspire amd spark for you.'
'Thank you Victoria.
All the informations contained in this chart and your incredibly accurate reading have given me powerful keys.
I've never felt so proud of my life, nor have I ever felt so confident in the on-going process !
Much love and gratitude.'
'Already after the reading with you something shifted in me,
through your eyes a new perspective came to me that enabled me to see in a fresh, more truly loving way
that wiped out the leftover of past patterns i had to overcome to be able to not be frustrated or angry anymore.
And then, when reading your feedback to My partner, tears came into my eyes.
I felt touched in my heart and so supported by you in the effort to help this tender soul to find his path and worth.'
You are an incredible clairvoyant sensitive understanding alchemical astrologer and more.
I feel gratitude that we were able to meet and am very thankful for the help you have given us.'
"That was an incredible reading, thank you so much. It made so much sense. I will obviously recommend you with bells on!"
"Much love to you Victoria for going above & beyond."
"I can not recommend this beautiful amazing lady enough...not only has Victoria Lebee help teach and guide me over the years, she has become a friend. A truly beautiful soul with so much knowledge and wisdom. I feel you will all benefit from a reading from her."
"I'm so glad I followed the signs to you.
I'll be sending more people your way."
"Thankyou Victoria,
I'm so impressed with your mastery of astrology, it's incredibly inspiring to me. You set the bar I aspire to get too.
Many many thanks"
"That’s crazy how you figured all that out when you haven’t even met me it’s all so acurate especially the ending thank you for doing this"
"Oh my goodness! Every thing was extremely accurate.x
I was in tears listening.I feel as though many blocks have been removed
I know what to do now
This is the greatest gift.So grateful for you"
"Wow, I am so honored to have had the privilege of you reading my natal chart, Victoria! You are so knowledgeable and I can sense your great wisdom coming through during the reading and interpretations. Thank you so much for sharing your gifts with me and I look forward to delving into all the additional information you provided below"
"Oh Victoria! I just finished and I’m so totally gobsmacked. You really confirmed everything I been feeling, sensing, speaking and doing. I got some big fat tears of gratitude, thank you so very much for your insights and knowledge. It was everything I really needed and now I know, no matter what, I GOT THIS! Deep deep Gratitude for you."
Thank you so much Victoria =)
You go the extra mile with the depth of things.. really amazing.
"Thank you soo much Victoria, listening in again with the video and I’ll keep on rewatching to take it all in.
Since the zoom, I have been feeling as if a thing that was missing or unknown has been replaced, like a puzzle piece being found and I’m so sure and confident in myself now which will never go backwards. I recognised everything within myself that you showed me which the confirmation is life changing
I am soo ready for what’s next, thank you so so so so much for helping me see and realise. You are totally and utterly amazing and I’m so so so grateful for what you have taught so far for myself and for others ️"
I feel so much more connected which I felt was lost for the last few years so thank you for helping bringing that back
"You are amazing! You got so many things exactly right in the video!"
"Wow I appreciate your time, wisdom and thoroughness. A lot of insight here, I look forward to reviewing it all. So fascinating how the stars tell exactly what’s going on. After my last reading....it felt so dull and flat....I lost a lot of interest. But with this reading it feels so powerful I hv nervous excitement (almost fear) about looking deeper into myself"
"Quelle magnifique vidéo! Tout est exact, tout est profond et je comprends mieux qui je suis...Ton travail est superbe Victoria, j'adore !
"Wow! If that wasn’t ......, I don’t know what is! Remarkable!What a fulfilling hour and a half"
"Blowing my mind with all the connections...Really remarkable how it's all coming together... Wild journey for sure."
"Thank you so much, so nice of you to say. It was a honour meeting you and receiving a chart… wow you are amazing at what you do.
"BANG Victoria!, I couldn’t remember anything in there that I disagreed with"
"Hi Victoria, je me permets de vous écrire pour vous remercier des conseils que vous m'aviez donné dans ma lecture sur la façon dont je réagis quelquefois et qui m' a permis aujourd'hui de régler au mieux un problème embêtant avec ma fille. Merci, j'en sais un peu plus sur qui je suis. J'ai commencé un travail sur moi-même et je m'intéresse un plus à l'astrologie. J'aime vos publications et j'apprends tous les jours grâce à vous et à vos amis aussi. Encore une fois merci. L0VE"
'Was a pleasure to have that hour with you once again.Thank you again for everything.'
"Thanks so much Victoria! It’s been so lovely getting to know more about myself and the journey I am on and will go on.
Thank you for your readings and for your gift"
"Thank you so much for the outstanding session I had with you yesterday and for sending me the link on YouTube. I was blown away with the information you gave me. You got me to a T. I am so happy that the universe listened and I was able to find you. I just had enough with mundane astrologers who tell you nothing and everything is always vague and could relate to anyone. For that I am truly grateful."
"Merci à vous pour votre excellent travail Victoria ⚘"
"I’m so so grateful for you! And all your work you have done your whole life till this point which is helping sooooo many people find the true astrology! Your reading of my blueprints has set my soul alight so much more! I honour the great work you do!"
"Victoria's abilities are limitless. She is a pure essence of light and works with passion, kindness and commitment. She is intellectually gifted and an outstanding Alchemist/Astrologer. She was born to do this work, which she does to a very high standard and she is very thorough and explains everything in fine detail. Do not hesitate to contact her, she will help you understand you and see yourself from a different perspective. My session with her was empowering and healing and I will return because she is brilliant."
"Merci Victoria pour les lectures de mon thème natal! Tu fais un travail de haute voltige et je te recommande à tous les francais qui veulent avoir une lecture authentique et profonde du voyage de leur esprit et de leur âme. Gratitude et Amour Victoria!"
"Your readings were very special & astoundingly impactful, there really is no one like you that i know on this Earth "
"Wow that is just so spot on Thankyou so so much. Watched and rewatched you have such a talent and Thankyou with so much love."
An Absolutely incredible video reading you have produced, so in-depth & so generously offered, i must say it tells me a lot of truths that is both a revelation & difficult reality to admit to oneself but thats the idea & that is the true path. Words alone cant express how i feel for having this gift spoken delightfully by such a woman of wonder & wisdom. I feel so totally lucky & honoured"
this has been by far the most intriguing and most insightful reading I have ever got to enjoy! She is so kind, sweet, patient, intelligent and connected and I recommend everyone who is searching for clarity and an in depth reading about where they come from, where they are, and where they are going to contact her and book an awesome reading with this kind and aware soul, you will NOT be disappointed!
Good morning Victoria! Your natal reading was fantastic and the more I thought about it after we got off of zoom everything you said was spot on and I could think of things in my life that lined up exactly with what you said. You have a great gift!
"La 2ième vidéo que tu as faite est fabuleuse! Tu t'exprimes très bien en français et c'est une chance de t'avoir connu.
Voila, avant de te connaitre, j'étais dans l'obscurité... je ne voyais rien et j’avais peur de cette obscurité car il me manquait la compréhension et la foi en Dieu. il y a peu de temps j'ai laissé Dieu rentrer dans mon cœur... et avec toi j'ai gagné la compréhension et grâce à ton travail, tout s'éclaire dans mon esprit.. même si je suis encore dans l'obscurité, je n'ai plus peur d'avancer! Merci merci mille fois Victoria!
Immense gratitude! Je vous aime Victoria!
A bientôt!"
"Wow since you did my reading I can not believe the level of innerstanding I have been propelled into."
"Oh Victoria, this was simply astounding!
Let me start off by saying Thank you for contributing your amazing abilities to a world that can really benefit from them! After listening to my chart reading, it explains SO much. With this being said, I took some notes of things to share with you that will validate your abilities and our heavens above and below. Again, I cant tell you how fantastic and enlightened I feel today all by the assistance of YOU!!!"
"Victoria your insight is incredible, I felt half in a trance watching it and listening to you speak,there were many things that threw me back that you said!Because of your effort and generosity towards me with the amount of time and mental energy it took to do this I feel I need to confirm a few things you said that were very factual"
"Why am I crying?? Behind it I could feel LIBERTY! I felt my prayers had been heard and I was full of rejoicing in my heart. Like an old age of encumbrance had died. Like a War I had been fighting all my life was over and news had just come over the radio."
"RADIO VICTORIA!! It was you! Sounding the freedom bell. Tears pouring now. Thank you. How could I thank you enough?"
"Gosh what an immense talent you have. I'm listening and re listening to the first 20 mins.
I'm so excited. I want to say impressed but that's a douche baggy thing to say like I'm the arbiter of impressive things he hehe
Suffice to say I'm beside myself
Thanks so much"
·your reading is spot on, I’m in tears, good tears."
"This was my first birth chart reading with Victoria. She was spot on and thorough. I appreciated her knowledge and expertise in astrology, her sensitivity, and her ability to articulate and elaborate on the details of my chart. She was attentive and with her clarity and insight, I was able to understand my gifts and challenges in a new light and I realized that it has opened many new doors of opportunity for me to discover on my personal journey. I wouldn’t trust any other astrologer with this in-depth process and analysis. I’m so grateful to have discovered Victoria's services and gifts. I cannot recommend her enough. This experience was intense but I feel better than ever. Thank you, Victoria!"
"I wanted to write and tell you how grateful I am for you. I combing through your incredible reading. You do see it all as you have felt it all. It's a rarity to have someone be so loving and sane. You have not run from any bits of your self that have tarnished in the fear of illusion. So you so steadily model awakening and innerstanding as I have never seen in another. I have learned a tremendous amount from you. Your voice both written and audible shows complete congruency. Even your anger is loving which is a new one for me. Congratulations on your Mastery!! haha! Hard won but Oh! so apparent! I hope you are flooded with blessings!"
"Oh! Victoria! My heart skipped a beat when I opened this. Thank you for this tremendous gift!! Much Love!"
"I appreciate you and your purity, honesty and love that you share! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this absolutely amazing gift, it helps me to be more confident about myself. You are a great astrologer and a beautiful soul! Thanks very much for everything, it helps me to learn to trust that there are still goodhearted, empathetic and beautiful souls out there. I love you"
"Geeeez you touch my heart so deeply, I have to cry cause of your beautiful words. You have absolutely no idea how helpful you are to me, for truly seeing me"
"You touch me so deeply, I’m grateful beyond words! This is something I needed, especially now I’m in such a life changing transformation. I can’t thank you enough, you’re part of my journey and rescue."
“ Wow. Thank you so much. I sincerely appreciate you.”
“I trust Victoria to give me the most up to date and accurate reading available. She really knows her stuff! Alchemical astrology, once hidden, now reveals the inaccuracies of the other styles. Having knowledge of the crosses I am working with through my Saturn returns made all the difference for me.”
"Dear Victoria! thank you lot for this amazing gift - the chart that you made for us. It is so beautiful and poetic. I really enjoyed reading it, it gives me a lot of inspiration as well as guidelines. It is very precious to have our joined chart."
“Oh wow, getting goosebumps all over! Thank you!”
"I'm very grateful, for you went so deep with so much patience and kindness. I was tensed at first, then quickly moved, then I felt as if my world was changing much faster.
This experience was so amazing! I'll dive back in your huge work on this sunday."
"you have turned my life around .. i have been too depressed to even shower for three days .. spent whole day in bed feeling like i was ready to die .. my hair which i cut really short sticking up on end like a broom .. i did not want to talk to anyone ..
have not made any meals .. i just went and made a smoothie and feeling revived .. everything you said resonated .. you are amazing"
"You are extremely knowledgeable and it is so calming listening to you and what you have to say as you clearly explain everything. I’m really glad I got this done and thank you for all your time and effort in making this video and doing the tarot card readings. I thought I would have questions but you are so thorough"
"You are a uniquely outstanding person in your analysis, your perception and feeling is very accurate and very honest without any compromising. THANK YOU FOR having enlightened me."
"Thank you for all of your time and effort, you definitely got a gift dear, this is pretty spot on."
"You've casually pointed out some perspectives that I definitely needed to hear. Very insightful and helpful. I've not had an astrological report that explains the dynamism of my chart, and certainly never from someone whose opinion and depth I appreciate so much. So,I appreciate it very much! A pivotal moment in my life, with lots of conflicting perspectives in my head, and from my surroundings, so it's good timing to see that much of it is meant to be this way. Again, my gratitude for your generosity."
"So much intuitive knowledge in one soul. If you are on the journey to know yourself, then you must pass this road. Victoria will help you look under stones unturned in your travels and reveal deeper depth about who you are."
"Wow that’s a whole book you wrote! Amazing! Just glanced through and already it hits the nail completely! "
"I have finally had a chance to finish my first read through. I need to read again and note the questions I might ask. It’s a very impressive, interesting and moving piece of work that seems to flow naturally from you. Well done and thank you so much!! I will go through it again and get back to you with some questions. I don’t understand it all but find it has a lot of perceptive truths, despite your having not seen her for so long. There are some amazing coincidences and some sad and uplifting parts- all of which is valid! I wouldn’t want to change any of the piece."
"Oh Victoria what a gift you have given me! Thank you so much. It's more than I ever could have imagined. I'll go get it printed at the stationary store and read it over a few times. I'd never heard of Lilith and the black moon in Astrology until you talked about it when we Skyped. Your closing comments are precious to me.
"Your a dear, thank you Victoria I have never enjoyed a read as much as I have yours,"
"Thank you Victoria for opening my mind to New beginnings"