Ok Major confusion.. but still valid..I explain correctly to begin with but then get confused,
MAJOR POINTS I DIDN'T MENTION... 9/11 Was the last time that Rahu was in Gemini and Ketu was in Sagittarius so it could be time for the TWIN event to catch 22 the TWIN peaks in the next 18 months to come...... AND Saturn and Pluto were opposite each other in Sagittarius and Gemini where as they are CONJUNCT NOW fr 20 months in Sagittarius!! Last time this happened was 2nd world war .....AND!!! Pluto Saturn began a journey Conjunct 23rd September 1851 - It ends its cycle 2020 this Eclipse is the closing gates last preparation into the Kingdom of Jerusalem...https://www.lunarplanner.com/Saturn-Opp-Uranus/Saturn-Pluto-history.html
Just please note my major muck up... North Node is currently in Cancer and South Node is in Capricorn North Node is Rahu and South Node is Ketu ... We only have a Lunar and Solar eclipse when the Sun/Moon Moon is full /Opposite Sun or Lunar eclipse Conjunct sun On the North/South Nodes otherwise its not an eclipse... https://aplanetruth.info/2016/08/03/rahu-and-the-black-moon/
So North/South Node finishes 18 months in Cancer/Capricorn on the 7th March... and North Node Rahu moves into Gemini and South node Ketu moves into Sagittarius until 23rd September 2020 ...we had two black moons on the 7th November and 7th December this could be the LIBER 777?
North/South Node travel anticlockwise, backwards against the movement of the planets clockwise.. Thats why i get confused.. So these eclipses give power Capricorn South Node and Cancer North Node, to the Sagittarius team as they want to take over the Twin peaks ruled by Saturn ruler of Capricorn and the Moon rules Cancer so brownie points must be gained now, expect lots of drama and the possibility of chaos being set off over the next 6 months under this energy, with a peak trigger on Valentines day.. Could be underground rituals but all preparation for Marys POPOV...
Rahu/North will move into Gemini and I went in the wrong direction on charts please note and Ketu/South Node will move into Sagittarius on the 7th March until 23 September 2020 That's the Virgin Mary ending The PlutO/Saturn conjunction began this cycle in 1851 conjunct too on 23rd September .... with the G7 23 September 2019 in Biarritz 64th department ... where the Virgin Mary stands on the Rocks as Lots wife .. To end the Holy Grail
......... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-ijvZukL50&fbclid=IwAR2RvdXUg2-IfCDqiCWoNn7XWVOhGlG5UAUWcxQAVZd1bnTd0-FNLynw9mc