More icing on the cake after the Fixed Taurus Aldebaran half Moon Ritual we have Full Moon in 3rd House and Sun in 9th house too, Gemini/Sagittarius MJ Mutable houses and North and South Node at last degree of Cancer/Capricorn, before they move into Gemini/Sagittarius for 18 months... where they were 18yrs ago for 9/11 when Saturn and PlutO were opposite in 3rd 9th house .. the Full Moon is in Leo in 3rd House that is a massive charge after the 3 Phase half Moon Fertility Valentine Ritual of the Bull PoP eye the 13,14,15 Feb over Aldebaran... As Lavette says, exact copy of 2017 eclipse Gates into the Twin Peak Age Kingdom, LeO is Opposite Aquarius ... T square between North Node 1st house, South node 7th house, conjunct Pluto Saturn and Venus and Uranus and mars and Eris in 11th house... Grand Trine between Jupiter in ScorpiO and Moon in leo and Eris Uranus and Mars above too !! Very powerful Full Moon on Regulus LeO Fixed like Taurus, is gonna get more energy charged for the coming PopOv event ... Lupiac Den... Leo/LiOn Super Moon and Sun in Aquarius/Lamb energy charge... Leo is the gates into the Kingdom or eaten by the wolf... Its time to Lie down with the Lamb to make the narrow gate through
As Lavette says exact copy of 2017 eclipse Gates into the Kingdom...